What’s the Right Type of Content for Your Agency?
Today, you’ll learn exactly how to choose the right format for your content.
Most marketers tend to default to a ‘blog post’…BUT… just because this is quick and easy doesn’t mean it’s right for your ideal prospects and future customers.
Let’s channel our inner Bruce Lee for a moment.
Think of your content like water — it takes the shape of any vessel you place it in.
That’s why we’re going to decide the best format for your content today.
There are loads of conflicting blog posts on the internet from all manner of experts.
Most are biased because video marketers like doing video, and bloggers like creating…well blog posts.
My approach is agnostic. Let’s choose the right format for you and your ideal prospects.
Here are the 3 E’s that will help you choose a format that consistently generates the right results.
Easy for You
The best content is the one that you can create from a place of expertise, with ease so that you can deliver it in front of your ideal customers.
Remember, a helpful piece of content that is delivered today is much better than a polished piece of content that is delivered in a few more weeks or even months.
Easy for Them
Your audience will tell you how they best like to consume and interact with content in your industry. Make it easy for them by adopting what’s already working for large publications, influencers, and leading competitors.
Effective for Us
The key to creating 90% less content while getting 10X results is to create only the content that matters. Effective content is useful, guiding, and adds value to the reader by empowering them to solve a problem, even if they don’t buy your solutions (yet).
So what ‘Form’ will you choose?
- Text Heavy or Image Heavy?
- Audio Only or Video Rich?
- Blog Post or Email Newsletter?
You can do more than one, but it’s hard to do them all well.
Dev “In Good Form” Basu