
I Help Digital Agency Owners Who Aren’t Growing Fast Enough.

Do you feel like you have to do everything in your agency yourself, and that finding the right team members is nearly impossible?

Are you frustrated that you aren’t able to charge what you’re worth, even though you deliver every single time for your clients?

Are you running into the same problems month after month, putting out fires because you’re either having problems attracting the right leads, converting them into clients, or delivering WOW results?

If that’s you, you’re in the right place because you’re not alone.

My mission is to help experts like you become the prize for your right-fit clients.

I exclusively help digital agency owners grow and scale their businesses with the perfect combination of coaching, content, and community.

Running a professional services business like an agency is tough work, but you don’t have to go it alone.

That’s why I created this blog and programs like Agency Academy and Boardroom, after spending a  decade growing and scaling my digital agency, Powered by Search.

My Story

Instead of all of those “about me” pages that are written in the 3rd person, I’ve decided to write this page like it was a letter to a friend. Which it kind of is — You’re an agency owner like me. You’re my people.

Anyway, what do you want to know?

I’m 31 years old. I live in Toronto, Canada. I’m married to the love of my life Sapna, and we have a bear-sized Golden Retriever named Jack.

But, that’s probably not the kind of stuff you’re looking for.

Since 2009, I’ve built, grown, acquired, and even bought-back a multi-million dollar digital marketing agency called Powered by Search, working with brands like FedEx, Allstate, and Valvoline.

Here’s what you can expect from me…

I’ve made every mistake in the book growing and scaling an agency so that you don’t have to.

I believe that you either win or learn, so I’ve taken all the IP that’s helped scale Powered by Search and turned into systems, strategies, and practical solutions you can use right now, for free. These are the same systems we use in our business to attract right-fit leads, convert conversations into clients, and deliver WOW results.

I’ll help you for free through this site and its many resources, and then whenever you’re ready, you can get results faster by applying to become part of the Agency Academy community.

What’s My Big Why? 

I’m doing this to enable and empower you, the expert practitioner play at a higher level, help more clients, and build a legacy where you left the campsite better than you found it.

Now it’s over to you. Isn’t it time you had a bit more money, freedom, and fun in your agency?


Dev Basu